Reincarnation and Christianity

Although Eastern religions accept reincarnation as part of their doctrine, Christianity has rejected it since 553 AD, when it was dropped from their doctrine at the Fifth Ecumenical Council at Constantinople. At that time, the Roman Empire was divided into two parts: the Eastern Empire at Constantinople and the Western Empire at Rome. It has been noted historically that the rejection of reincarnation was personally motivated by Justinian, the Emperor of the Eastern Empire, and his wife, Theodora. Although the vote at the Council relied on bishops from both the Eastern and Western Empire, only two bishops from Rome came to Constantinople to vote. As two previous popes had been murdered after they denounced the dropping of the belief of reincarnation of the Bible, many of the Roman bishops were afraid to vote against the wishes of Justinian. After the vote, all Bibles were confiscated throughout both empires, burned and rewritten.
You are an immortal soul!
"There has never been a time when you and I and the kings gathered here have not existed, nor will there be such a time when we will cease to exist. As the same person inhabits the body through childhood, youth, and old age, so too at the time of death, he attains another body. The wise are not deluded by these changes." Bhagavad Gita
Ask yourself: "Who am I ?" Some of your initial responses will include:"I am (insert your name)!; I am a man, a husband, a father, a son (a woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter); I am (name your job/profession); I am a descendant of my family tree who immigrated here many years ago; I am intelligent, inquisitive, compassionate!" None of these labels explain who you really are. They are only names, occupations, feelings.
You are a point of inner perception. You are the changeless one who observes the changes in your body as you grow older; changes in your personality; changes in other people; changes all around you. But don't you notice that you are the same inner self as you were as a little child. Although everything around you, including your body has changed, your inner self that is perceiving has not changed. That which changes is something you are not. YOU ARE A SOUL IN SEARCH OF ITSELF!
Wisdom begins with the knowledge that we are not this body. Knowledge is merely the compilation and cataloguing of facts, while wisdom is the use of those facts to attain enlightenment and self-realization.
Ask yourself: "Who am I ?" Some of your initial responses will include:"I am (insert your name)!; I am a man, a husband, a father, a son (a woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter); I am (name your job/profession); I am a descendant of my family tree who immigrated here many years ago; I am intelligent, inquisitive, compassionate!" None of these labels explain who you really are. They are only names, occupations, feelings.
You are a point of inner perception. You are the changeless one who observes the changes in your body as you grow older; changes in your personality; changes in other people; changes all around you. But don't you notice that you are the same inner self as you were as a little child. Although everything around you, including your body has changed, your inner self that is perceiving has not changed. That which changes is something you are not. YOU ARE A SOUL IN SEARCH OF ITSELF!
Wisdom begins with the knowledge that we are not this body. Knowledge is merely the compilation and cataloguing of facts, while wisdom is the use of those facts to attain enlightenment and self-realization.

“Reincarnation teaches that life continues after so-called death.
The body does not last, but the soul lasts forever…
Unless material desires are cast off before death,
the soul must return to another body in the earthly moving picture house
in order to work out the desires born there.” Karma & Reincarnation by Paramhansa Yogananda
What is "death"? The word has an ominous connotation of a permanent ending, a resounding finality to the person or thing to which it is assigned. Much to the contrary, there is nothing final about "death". Yogananda referred to the birth and death of a human being as nothing more the the soul donning and then taking off an overcoat, only to later repeat the process many times with different coats.
The body does not last, but the soul lasts forever…
Unless material desires are cast off before death,
the soul must return to another body in the earthly moving picture house
in order to work out the desires born there.” Karma & Reincarnation by Paramhansa Yogananda
What is "death"? The word has an ominous connotation of a permanent ending, a resounding finality to the person or thing to which it is assigned. Much to the contrary, there is nothing final about "death". Yogananda referred to the birth and death of a human being as nothing more the the soul donning and then taking off an overcoat, only to later repeat the process many times with different coats.
Maya versus Samadhi

In the ancient language of Sanskrit, the yogis call this dream world "maya", translated as illusion.
It is also described as "duality".
Without "up" there can be no "down". Negative electrons spin around positive protons.
A line from Yogananda's poem, Samadhi, is a clear description of this dream world. " - hate, health - disease, life - death, perished these false shadows from the screen of duality..."
It is also described as "duality".
Without "up" there can be no "down". Negative electrons spin around positive protons.
A line from Yogananda's poem, Samadhi, is a clear description of this dream world. " - hate, health - disease, life - death, perished these false shadows from the screen of duality..."
Life is a dream

Dreamers in their dreams may do many things like swimming or climbing a mountain.
These activities seem real and sometimes even cause the dreamers to experience fear, heavy breathing, perspiration and screaming.
However, upon awakening the dreamers realize that they never stirred from their beds.
These activities seem real and sometimes even cause the dreamers to experience fear, heavy breathing, perspiration and screaming.
However, upon awakening the dreamers realize that they never stirred from their beds.
This Dreamworld

When we dream at night, this present dreamworld fades into unreality and only that subconscious dreamworld seems real to us (we temporarily experience the plane of the 4th Density). When we return again to the dream of this world, that other dream is forgotten. Everything exists only in consciousness. Suddenly, after physical death, we will wake up in the astral world only to find that the life we thought was so real with our family, friends, career, possessions and desires, was only a dream. Don't you realize that all the experiences in this world are nothing but dream experiences?
Time and Space

Time and space form the imaginary framework on which was constructed the vast universe. Suppose you fall asleep in Los Angeles and dream that you board an airplane and fly 12,000 miles to India. Upon awakening, you see that the whole experience occurred in the space of your little brain and the entire time elapsed was just a few seconds. Such is the delusion of time and space on which we base all our human conceptions of reality. This world seems real to you only because God dreamed you into existence along with with His cosmic dream. You are a part of His dream. There is no past. There is no future. There is only this present moment. There is no space. "Center is everywhere, circumference is nowhere." (Paramhansa Yogananda). Wake up to the one reality - God! You will find that this life is just a show. It is nothing but shadows and light.
Life is like a virtual reality experience

A modern analogy would be for a person to put on a virtual reality helmet or climb into a highly sophisticated simulator, similar to the ones used for training astronauts. Imagine an interactive model that projects life-like experiences night and day. Now imagine being in the simulator for such an extended period of time that you begin to believe that it is reality you are experiencing, rather than just a virtual reality. This is called "ego-delusion". Yogananda said that "ego delusion" is the "immortal soul" being deluded into thinking it is the physical body. The images on the screen of the simulator can be of good or evil characters, events and circumstances. However, they are equally produced by the same beam of light. There is nothing outside of God.
From virtual reality to reality

The only way back to reality is to step out of the simulator. However, if one is so engrossed in the moving pictures all around in the simulator, how does one even know that there is something else out there, let alone how to find the door.
It is necessary to find someone who has actually exited from the simulator and later returned. Beware of religious dogma. Sometimes priests or ministers can be helpful, but always look to the saints for the truth.
It is necessary to find someone who has actually exited from the simulator and later returned. Beware of religious dogma. Sometimes priests or ministers can be helpful, but always look to the saints for the truth.
The need for an experienced guide (a guru)

Many intellectuals inside the simulator may surmise there is something else out there, but other than writing books about it or preaching about it, they have not experienced it by exiting and returning to the simulator. They are no more than "...blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit. (Matthew 15:13-14)".
Find a true avatar guide. Any of the great saints, like Krishna, Christ, Buddha, Mohamed, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, Paramhansa Yogananda and many others of many diverse religions can show you the way out.
"It is not possible for the "delusion of ego" to rise out of ego-consciousness by self-effort alone. Every struggle to do so only twists around to affirm that lesser consciousness yet again. We live in the world of causation, therefore we cannot understand a God without beginning or end. Only by attunement with a true guru, who has himself transcended the "delusion of ego" altogether, can one understand what it means to see things no longer with a personal bias. Without a guru, it is impossible for techniques by themselves to raise one out of this final, and most fundamental delusion: that we are each a separate reality, distinct and separate from all others." page 195, Paramhansa Yogananda...A Biography by Swami Kriyananda
Find a true avatar guide. Any of the great saints, like Krishna, Christ, Buddha, Mohamed, Lahiri Mahasaya, Swami Sri Yukteswar, Paramhansa Yogananda and many others of many diverse religions can show you the way out.
"It is not possible for the "delusion of ego" to rise out of ego-consciousness by self-effort alone. Every struggle to do so only twists around to affirm that lesser consciousness yet again. We live in the world of causation, therefore we cannot understand a God without beginning or end. Only by attunement with a true guru, who has himself transcended the "delusion of ego" altogether, can one understand what it means to see things no longer with a personal bias. Without a guru, it is impossible for techniques by themselves to raise one out of this final, and most fundamental delusion: that we are each a separate reality, distinct and separate from all others." page 195, Paramhansa Yogananda...A Biography by Swami Kriyananda
Meditation is the way

Just as the only way to come back to reality is to exit the simulator, the only way to awaken from "ego delusion", is through daily deep meditation on God, the Infinite Cosmic Consciousness.
Every occurrence, event and circumstance in your life is really neutral. Only your "delusion of ego", which exists exclusively in the simulator, assigns labels and judgements to yourself, other people, things and events.
Every occurrence, event and circumstance in your life is really neutral. Only your "delusion of ego", which exists exclusively in the simulator, assigns labels and judgements to yourself, other people, things and events.
Meditation leads to ego transcendence

To transcend the "delusion of ego", one must be even-minded and unattached to people, things and events. Unattached does not mean one cannot be compassionate toward others. Attachment is selfish love, not unconditional love. As Krishna explained to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita: "Through acting I am without attachment nor do I desire any particular outcome from any activity. I am unfettered by the slightest desire for the fruits of action...This mindset causes one to act dutifully".
Work impersonally to improve matters in this world...Never be affected by other peoples ignorance...Work with things as they are, not the way you think they should be...acceptance must precede dharmic change. It is sad to see so many aim at a goal lower than self-realization by saying: "Let me make this world (this simulator) into a perfect paradise (of ego-consciousness)." It's like resting on a high mountain shelf, but never climbing to the peak.
Remember your watching a movie in the simulator, which is itself the screen of duality. Everything around you can be falling apart, but it cannot affect you if you do not let it.
Neither the simulator nor the "delusion of ego" can exist on the "present moment". You can only enter the present moment through deep meditation when you put aside all of the distractions of the pictures in the simulator. To put aside these distractions, the ancient rishis and sages of India, discovered how to shut the doors of the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch through deep meditation techniques like "kriya yoga". You must transcend the "delusion of ego" in order to achieve "even-mindedness" and to transcend all karma. The "delusion of ego", imprisoned by self-reminding feelings, is the supreme obstacle to self-realization. The door to the simulator is the spiritual eye and accessible through meditation.
Work impersonally to improve matters in this world...Never be affected by other peoples ignorance...Work with things as they are, not the way you think they should be...acceptance must precede dharmic change. It is sad to see so many aim at a goal lower than self-realization by saying: "Let me make this world (this simulator) into a perfect paradise (of ego-consciousness)." It's like resting on a high mountain shelf, but never climbing to the peak.
Remember your watching a movie in the simulator, which is itself the screen of duality. Everything around you can be falling apart, but it cannot affect you if you do not let it.
Neither the simulator nor the "delusion of ego" can exist on the "present moment". You can only enter the present moment through deep meditation when you put aside all of the distractions of the pictures in the simulator. To put aside these distractions, the ancient rishis and sages of India, discovered how to shut the doors of the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch through deep meditation techniques like "kriya yoga". You must transcend the "delusion of ego" in order to achieve "even-mindedness" and to transcend all karma. The "delusion of ego", imprisoned by self-reminding feelings, is the supreme obstacle to self-realization. The door to the simulator is the spiritual eye and accessible through meditation.
In the beginning...

Let's start from the beginning - I mean this literally! In the Christian Bible Genesis 1, it is written: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth..." Have you ever asked yourself, "What about before that?" Yoga describes Genesis as three worlds. Before anything there was only the Infinite Cosmic God Consciousness, SOURCE OF ALL THAT IS, a state beyond human comprehension, as it is a state of "infinity". How can the human "finite" mind describe the "infinite" - a concept for which there is no human experience or comparison?
SOURCE OF ALL THERE IS gave parts of Consciousness self-awareness and free will - each referred to an immortal soul, or the "little self". In other words, God Consciousness set a portion of His Consciousness into vibration (Om). Although each immortal soul (or little self) has self-awareness, it is still one with and an inseparable part of the "Higher Self", the Infinite Cosmic God Consciousness. In the causal world the soul has no "delusion of ego".
What good would free will be to the immortal soul in the formless Causal World of God Consciousness? How can free will be exercised in a formless void of just pure bliss?
Genesis goes on to say: "And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light..." Yoga refers to this as Om (Aum), God's light and vibration that created the Journey of Self-realization with its "Astral Worlds" of pure thought and the "Material Worlds" of objective physical form. These were created as "dream worlds" so that the immortal soul could choose to embark upon the Journey and descend from the first entry point of the dream, the plane of the 7th Density of Consciousness, the Causal World, and down through the experiences of the 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, to the 1st planes of Density.
We are currently experiencing the plane of the 3rd Density of Consciousness, also called The Earth School of Duality. From here, the first Density in which we experience free-will. we must choose to re-ascend to the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Densities where we will finally remain with Infinite Consciousness, SOURCE OF ALL THERE IS in ever new, ever-lasting bliss. " From Joy we came; for Joy we live; and in the sacred divine joy we will one day melt again. "— Paramhansa Yogananda
SOURCE OF ALL THERE IS gave parts of Consciousness self-awareness and free will - each referred to an immortal soul, or the "little self". In other words, God Consciousness set a portion of His Consciousness into vibration (Om). Although each immortal soul (or little self) has self-awareness, it is still one with and an inseparable part of the "Higher Self", the Infinite Cosmic God Consciousness. In the causal world the soul has no "delusion of ego".
What good would free will be to the immortal soul in the formless Causal World of God Consciousness? How can free will be exercised in a formless void of just pure bliss?
Genesis goes on to say: "And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light..." Yoga refers to this as Om (Aum), God's light and vibration that created the Journey of Self-realization with its "Astral Worlds" of pure thought and the "Material Worlds" of objective physical form. These were created as "dream worlds" so that the immortal soul could choose to embark upon the Journey and descend from the first entry point of the dream, the plane of the 7th Density of Consciousness, the Causal World, and down through the experiences of the 6th, 5th, 4th, 3rd, 2nd, to the 1st planes of Density.
We are currently experiencing the plane of the 3rd Density of Consciousness, also called The Earth School of Duality. From here, the first Density in which we experience free-will. we must choose to re-ascend to the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Densities where we will finally remain with Infinite Consciousness, SOURCE OF ALL THERE IS in ever new, ever-lasting bliss. " From Joy we came; for Joy we live; and in the sacred divine joy we will one day melt again. "— Paramhansa Yogananda
The perfect plan, but with free will...

The plan was for dreaming souls to remain on earth as an immortals (the plane of the 3rd Density of Consciousness), and after beholding the drama of change (duality), wake up from the dream and return to the bosom of Eternal Bliss.
In beholding the drama of change and using free will, the dreaming souls developed "likes" and "dislikes" and got so attached to them that they became ensnared in the "delusion of ego". Ego is nothing more than the immortal soul being deluded into thinking that it is a separate carbon-based physical body.
In beholding the drama of change and using free will, the dreaming souls developed "likes" and "dislikes" and got so attached to them that they became ensnared in the "delusion of ego". Ego is nothing more than the immortal soul being deluded into thinking that it is a separate carbon-based physical body.
Ego, delusion, karma and reincarnation

We, God’s immortal children, forgot our awareness of our perfect immortality, and began to desire only mortal, delusional material things. With the "delusion of ego" comes the added "delusion of happiness" which is short lived and always ends in suffering due to the insatiable nature of ego's attachment to desire. It can never get enough!
This is the birth of reincarnation driven by the law of karma.This desire for human delusive satisfaction is what causes us to reincarnate again and again, according to the law of cause and effect which governs desires. This law, the law of Karma (action), has kept souls imprisoned on earth in Satan’s kingdom of finitude. Although initially painful, this enslavement is now ending with the "Great Awakening".
This is the birth of reincarnation driven by the law of karma.This desire for human delusive satisfaction is what causes us to reincarnate again and again, according to the law of cause and effect which governs desires. This law, the law of Karma (action), has kept souls imprisoned on earth in Satan’s kingdom of finitude. Although initially painful, this enslavement is now ending with the "Great Awakening".

As stated above, everything in the manifested world is "energy".
Every unfulfilled desire, every wave of like or dislike, every karmic action, each create a subtle vortex of energy unit, a tiny whirlpool, called a vritti in Sanskrit.
These vrittis are held together by thoughts such as: “I want this; I reject that; I like this; I dislike that; I have succeeded at.. I have failed at…
The vrittis are attracted to and stored in the appropriate one of the lower three energy centers (chakras). The more negative and materialistic the thoughts and actions, the lower of the three the chakras they are attracted to.
Every unfulfilled desire, every wave of like or dislike, every karmic action, each create a subtle vortex of energy unit, a tiny whirlpool, called a vritti in Sanskrit.
These vrittis are held together by thoughts such as: “I want this; I reject that; I like this; I dislike that; I have succeeded at.. I have failed at…
The vrittis are attracted to and stored in the appropriate one of the lower three energy centers (chakras). The more negative and materialistic the thoughts and actions, the lower of the three the chakras they are attracted to.
Many Christians reject the validity of near-death testimonies because they appear to conflict with their interpretation of
Christian doctrines. But Christians are usually very surprised to learn that reincarnation was a doctrine once held by many early Christians. Most Christians believed in reincarnation until their belief was outlawed at the Ecumenical Council of 553 AD, by Roman Emperor Justinian.
Justinian had been trying to coerce the pope into agreeing with him since 545 A.D. He had essentially arrested the pope in Rome and brought him to Constantinople, where he held him for four years. When the pope escaped and later refused to attend the council, Justinian went ahead and convened it without him. This council produced fourteen new anathemas against the authors of the Three Chapters and other Christian theologians. The eleventh anathema included Origen's name in a list of heretics.
First anathema: "I. If anyone asserts the fabulous preexistence of souls, and shall assert the monstrous restoration which follows from it: let him be anathema." (ananthema means a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunication). ("Restoration" means the return of the soul to union with God. Origenists believed that this took place through a path of reincarnation.) It would seem that the death blow had been struck against Origenism and reincarnation in Christianity.
Fifth anathema: "V. If anyone says or thinks that, at the resurrection, human bodies will rise in form and unlike our present form, let him be anathema."
Ninth anathema: "IX. If anyone says or thinks that the punishment of impious men is only temporary, and will one day have an end, and that a restoration will take place of impious men, let him be anathema.”
After the council, the Origenist monks were expelled from their Palestinian monastery, some bishops were deposed and once again Origen's writings were destroyed. The anti-Origenist monks had won. The emperor had come down firmly
on their side. In theory, it would seem that the missing papal approval of the anathemas leaves a doctrinal loophole for the belief in reincarnation among all Christians today. But since the Church accepted the anathemas in practice, the result of the council was to end belief in reincarnation in orthodox Christianity.
The ultimate purpose for reincarnation is for us to learn enough lessons and gain enough experience from Earth lives that reincarnation is no longer necessary. Reincarnation is not the goal. Eternal life means never again having to take on the cloak of ego-consciousness in a confining, limited physical body. That is the goal - overcoming death and rebirth. Reincarnation is the method and means to attain this goal. It is the school we need to graduate from, not become attached to.
Christian doctrines. But Christians are usually very surprised to learn that reincarnation was a doctrine once held by many early Christians. Most Christians believed in reincarnation until their belief was outlawed at the Ecumenical Council of 553 AD, by Roman Emperor Justinian.
Justinian had been trying to coerce the pope into agreeing with him since 545 A.D. He had essentially arrested the pope in Rome and brought him to Constantinople, where he held him for four years. When the pope escaped and later refused to attend the council, Justinian went ahead and convened it without him. This council produced fourteen new anathemas against the authors of the Three Chapters and other Christian theologians. The eleventh anathema included Origen's name in a list of heretics.
First anathema: "I. If anyone asserts the fabulous preexistence of souls, and shall assert the monstrous restoration which follows from it: let him be anathema." (ananthema means a ban or curse solemnly pronounced by ecclesiastical authority and accompanied by excommunication). ("Restoration" means the return of the soul to union with God. Origenists believed that this took place through a path of reincarnation.) It would seem that the death blow had been struck against Origenism and reincarnation in Christianity.
Fifth anathema: "V. If anyone says or thinks that, at the resurrection, human bodies will rise in form and unlike our present form, let him be anathema."
Ninth anathema: "IX. If anyone says or thinks that the punishment of impious men is only temporary, and will one day have an end, and that a restoration will take place of impious men, let him be anathema.”
After the council, the Origenist monks were expelled from their Palestinian monastery, some bishops were deposed and once again Origen's writings were destroyed. The anti-Origenist monks had won. The emperor had come down firmly
on their side. In theory, it would seem that the missing papal approval of the anathemas leaves a doctrinal loophole for the belief in reincarnation among all Christians today. But since the Church accepted the anathemas in practice, the result of the council was to end belief in reincarnation in orthodox Christianity.
The ultimate purpose for reincarnation is for us to learn enough lessons and gain enough experience from Earth lives that reincarnation is no longer necessary. Reincarnation is not the goal. Eternal life means never again having to take on the cloak of ego-consciousness in a confining, limited physical body. That is the goal - overcoming death and rebirth. Reincarnation is the method and means to attain this goal. It is the school we need to graduate from, not become attached to.
Near-death experiences (NDEs)

After tens of thousands of interviews, the research data supports an almost unanimous view of the NDE experience.
• The initial experience is that of passage through a tunnel,
• followed by encounters with deceased relatives and/or “guides”.
• Encounters with other luminous beings.
• A life review by one’s own consciousness as to good and bad deeds and whether one’s life was used to help others or not.
• A life that bears resemblance to the afterlife judgment of scenes described in the sacred texts of many of the world’s religions, from the Egyptian to the Judeo-Christian, but with one crucial difference.
• NDEers universally report that they are never judged by the beings of light, but feel only love and acceptance in their presence.
• The only judgment that ever takes place is self-judgment and arises solely out of the NDEer’s own feelings of guilt and repentance.
• The initial experience is that of passage through a tunnel,
• followed by encounters with deceased relatives and/or “guides”.
• Encounters with other luminous beings.
• A life review by one’s own consciousness as to good and bad deeds and whether one’s life was used to help others or not.
• A life that bears resemblance to the afterlife judgment of scenes described in the sacred texts of many of the world’s religions, from the Egyptian to the Judeo-Christian, but with one crucial difference.
• NDEers universally report that they are never judged by the beings of light, but feel only love and acceptance in their presence.
• The only judgment that ever takes place is self-judgment and arises solely out of the NDEer’s own feelings of guilt and repentance.
Dr. P.M.H. Atwater

Having survived three near-death-experiences in 1977, she is one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies, having begun her work in 1978 and completing 10 books on her findings – some of which have now been verified in clinical settings. Her, The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences, was featured in the online version of Newsweek Magazine. Near-Death Experiences: The Rest of The Story is her most complete and controversial book yet.

Past lives mentioned by Paramhansa Yogananda
Right action and meditation

To stop the uncontrollable spinning of what Buddha called the "wheel of reincarnation", the immortal soul must wake up from its "delusion of ego". To do this, all bad karma accumulated over thousands of lifetimes, must be destroyed. The chakras must be neutralized of all negative energy (vrittis).
There are only two ways immortal souls can expect to find freedom and emancipation from reincarnation by utterly destroying all seeds of earthly desires and karma. One is through right action (dharma).
The other, and more powerful method, is through contact with God in daily deep meditation, of which kriya yoga is the most effective.
Only upon ego transcendence will the dual opposites merge into the One Consciousness and liberate that soul.
There are only two ways immortal souls can expect to find freedom and emancipation from reincarnation by utterly destroying all seeds of earthly desires and karma. One is through right action (dharma).
The other, and more powerful method, is through contact with God in daily deep meditation, of which kriya yoga is the most effective.
Only upon ego transcendence will the dual opposites merge into the One Consciousness and liberate that soul.

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The Ancient Wisdom of Yoga, Inc. © 2012